Contacts for other
Wodehouse Societies
As with the website links (here), we rely on you, our visitors, to tell us if these details have fallen out of date (please email if so)
Mikhail Kuzmenko, 115432 Moscow, Russia; #50
Mr John Pettersson, Miraallén 57, 417 58 Gothenburg, SWEDEN
Mrs José van Dijk, 163 Bourke Street, Wagga Wagga, 2650 New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
Michele Pensato, Via Cartoleria 40, 40124 Bologna, ITALY
Mr Peter Nieuwenhuizen (Chairman), Notebomenlaan 366, 3582CN Utrecht, The Netherlands
Mr Kris Smets, Gijmelbergstraat 32A, 3201 Langdorp, BELGIUM
Lynn Vesley-Gross (Membership Secretary, the Wodehouse Society)